Thursday, April 30, 2020

The Forums are moving…

The Corona Labs Forums are currently down as we migrate them to the new modern forum software on new hardware. The old Forums will remain down from this point forward. Once the migration is complete, will redirect to or you can access them directly.

To access the new Forums, click on the link to reset your password. The new forums knows about your Corona email address but doesn’t have access to your Corona password. This password reset will just be for the Forums and will not affect your Simulator login.



* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

App Sign In for your Corona apps

Thanks to master plugin creator, Scott Harrison for this guest post on using Google and Apple Sign-In in your apps.

Many apps and games have there own login system. Whether you need a login for storing data, sharing, or multiplayer, setting up a login system is an important part of your app. While an email and password system is usually what most apps use, you should consider looking at using a third-party login system. Third-party systems allow the user to log in in faster and save the user from having to make another password. This tutorial will show you how to integrate both Google and Apple sign in.

Google Sign In

Start of by going to Corona Labs Marketplace and activate the Google Sign In Plugin. Next you need to get a client ID for Android and iOS. Go to Google console and enable “Identity Toolkit API”. Next create client id in Credentials section. Setup a client ID for iOS and Web (which is used for Android).

Also make sure to add to put your iOS URL scheme inside you build.settings

settings =

    android =
        useGoogleServicesJson = true,
        usesPermissions =

    iphone = 
        plist = 
            CFBundleURLTypes = 
                    CFBundleURLSchemes = 

    plugins = {
        ["plugin.firestore"] =
                publisherId = "tech.scotth",

Note: if you are using Firebase, just grab the iOS client ID from the GoogleService-Info.plist file under CLIENT_ID key and for Android go to google-services.json under the keys client >oauth_client>client_id,

Next use the code snippet below to insert the client id based on the platform you are using.

local googleSignIn = require( "plugin.googleSignIn" )
local json = require( "json" )

local androidClientID = "Your Android client id"
local clientID = "Your iOS client id" -- iOS default

if ( system.getInfo( "platform" ) == "android" ) then
   clientID = androidClientID

googleSignIn.signIn( clientID, nil, nil, function ( event ) 
        print( json.encode( event ) )

Read more about the Google Sign In Plugin in the documentation.

Apple Sign In

Apple introduced a new way to sign in on iOS 13+. They are requiring app makers to add Apple Sign In if they use other third-party sign in options like Google or Facebook. It is easy for developers to implement Apple Sign In for iOS devices. To set up all you need to do is start by activating the free Apple Sign In Plugin in the Corona Marketplace. Make sure your App ID is setup with the Apple Sign In entitlement. This will require you to generate and download a new provisioning profile after adding the entitlement.

Add Apple Sign In entitlements to build.settings

iphone =
        plist =
            -- put entitlements outside plist
        entitlements = {
            [""] = {"Default"},
    plugins = {
        ["plugin.appleSignIn"] =
                publisherId = "tech.scotth",

Then just use the Apple Sign In plugin in your app to login on your iOS 13+ device

local appleSignIn = require( "plugin.appleSignIn" )
local json = require( "json" ) "name", function( event )
        print( json.encode( event ) )

Note: The first value in can either be “name“, which will get the name of the user, “email“, will get the email of the user, or “nameAndEmail“, which will get the email and name.

Read more about the Apple Sign In Plugin in the documentation.

* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Limited Government, Unicorns and the Will to Kill by Bill Buppert

Limited Government, Unicorns and the Will to Kill by Bill Buppert

Publisher’s Note: Just finished meeting with my accountant to do my extortion review and my target of owing my state and Federal occupation authority three digits each at the end of the year worked; in Arizona, we can send our money to a designated recipient so I sent mine to the only high school High Power Rifle Team in America at Wickenburg Indoctrination District.

The coproaches continue to behave in a fashion that convinces me their job code is free range prison guards in the land of the free.

Great new site I discovered on uncovering the malign thuggery that is government finance.

Our very own Village Armorer, Skip, did a bang-up job explaining collapsitarian ethos on Unshackled Liberty.

And, yes, fathers matter. Read the whole article.

Moynihan Report, 1965 money graf:

“From the wild Irish slums of the 19th century Eastern seaboard, to the riot-torn suburbs of Los Angeles, there is one unmistakable lesson in American history; a community that allows a large number of men to grow up in broken families, dominated by women, never acquiring any stable relationship to male authority, never acquiring any set of rational expectations about the future — that community asks for and gets chaos. Crime, violence, unrest, disorder — most particularly the furious, unrestrained lashing out at the whole social structure — that is not only to be expected; it is very near to inevitable. And it is richly deserved. “

Are you buying lots of guns and ammo and training? Big Igloo wants to know…

Train like your life depends on it. -BB

“You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot help small men by tearing down big men. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot lift the wage-earner by pulling down the wage-payer. You cannot help the poor man by destroying the rich. You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than your income. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred. You cannot establish security on borrowed money. You cannot build character and courage by taking away men’s initiative and independence. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves.”

– William Boetcker

“Indeed, in a free government almost all other rights would become worthless if the government possessed power over the private fortune of every citizen.”

-John Marshall

I issue a standard challenge to everyone within earshot:  show me one government or nation state which became smaller and smaller over time and increasingly less injurious to the freedom and liberty of individuals.  Again, I hear the bleating of the usual suspects on the alleged Right who claim that new-found respect for the Constitution will set everything right and we will all skip down the yellow brick road of the small government paradise known as America.  I will not belabor the details here for I have covered the Constitution abundantly in both essays and speaking engagements (until my sabbatical from speaking in 20160 to show it for what it is:  a doomsday machine designed to bring maximum government to bear against a helpless citizenry reduced to bondage to the same document.

It is the great centralizer and grants unlimited power of taxation to the overlords in DC at Mordor on the Potomac.  I have championed the Articles of Confederation in the past but even those documents were flawed but certainly gave smaller government a chance.  In the end, limited government and small government never exist for long before metastasizing into enormous machines built for one purpose:  to extract unlimited obedience on pain of caging, maiming and/or death of all persons living within the acknowledged confines of the taxing jurisdiction known as nation-states.

Nothing less, nothing more.

Politicians are neither statesman nor public persons of noble intent; they are simply a self-selected class of psycho-/socio-paths whose only agenda is the monopoly of the power to enforce what I just described.  Despite all the court historians and contemporary mouthpieces who sing paeans to government and the drones who run it, the agenda remains the same: the destruction of individual self-governance, direction and volition and the harnessing of the captured citizenry to the whims and will of the rulers.  You have been lied to and civics class in the government education system then and now has been a descriptive mechanism to rationalize yoking individuals into the collective hive of the state.


You cannot have a government without willing or unwilling submission of the subjects to the will of the rulers.  There is no historical antecedent or precedent for a government ever staying within the confines of its originating power.


This speaks to my interpretation of the Western exodus in America in the 18th and 19th century.  The court historians talk about the wide-open spaces and the frontier mentality.  This was certainly a component but the main reason was a desire on the part of those sickened by the liberty-crushing Atlantic Constitutionalists to flee from that document and its strangulation of their freedom bit by bit. I can just imagine the two Celt brothers coming to a screaming halt at the beaches of California, looking over their shoulders and shouting: “Swim! The Constitution is right behind us!”.

Limited government is a quaint but lethal legal fiction, a chimera and a cruel and tempting illusion.  It is the same as a belief in unicorns.  Unless I fasten a narwhal tusk to a most displeased horse’s forehead, they have never existed nor ever will (barring genetic engineering advances).  Judging from the behavior of the Grand Old Politburo in the unholy corridors of power of DC, they should ditch the Gadsden and hoist a unicorn bedecked flag.

Political action will never reduce the size of government. The same as eradicating cannibals by eating them.

The incentives are so perverse to do otherwise that Buchanan’s Public Choice theories come to the fore with a vengeance.  Buppert’s Corollary to Acton’s Axiom is that power attracts the corruptible and absolute power attracts even worse.

Let’s conduct a quick thought experiment:  Washington said that “[g]overnment is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.”

Absent the ability to cajole, fine, cage, maim and/or kill, how can government get the voluntary obedience of its citizens?  Would everyone pay the various levels of extortionate taxes imposed voluntarily?  Would they stop for those flashing lights for a speeding violation if compliance were not mandatory?  For without tax agents and police powers, no government would be capable of exacting obedience from the residents of their taxing jurisdictions.  Without regulatory or tax slavery, a government could not function…at all.  They are based on the threat or actual use of violence against EVERYONE.  Because if one, just one individual, (outside of the DC nomenklatura)  got away with not paying taxes or obeying even the most banal of the tens of thousands of laws imposed year after year by the wise men appointed and elected above us, the system would collapse in weeks or months.

Terrorism is defined by Caleb Carr as politically motivated violence against non-combatants and it just so happens that definition is coincident with government behavior at its root and as observed every day.  The dozens of agencies that have a charters or sub-charters to deal with formal terrorism cannot even agree on what that definition is. The War on Terror is a nonsensical enterprise on so many levels but you would think a sober government analyst would realize an honest government would pursue this to self-eradication.  We all know, of course, that an honest government is an impossibility.

If the sheeple got even a glimpse of the reality that is the mechanism that enslaves them, they may be rather upset that they no control over their own destinies.

The powers that be are fond of pointing to the worst government abuse historically on Earth and making claims of moral superiority, but in the end, while the Communist and National Socialist governments in the twentieth century may have harmed their respective populations and those they subdued through war, at least, we have the moral high ground.   Of course, this is much like a getting an Underachiever Award at a serial killer convention.  The entire system of governance is based on violence and nothing else no matter how noble it is portrayed or how many rose petals litter the dais of the King.

Government is de facto and de jure a violation of the non-aggression principle.  It is based on initiated aggression and a hopeful monopoly (on its part) on the use of force.  Witness the literal license to kill granted to cops across the fruited plain who rarely are prosecuted for murder where the apparent evidence is overwhelming.  They must be protected because they are the Praetorian Guard that protects the privileges of the rulers to impose their will upon a humbled and frightened population whose right to self-defense against the armed tax-eaters is non-existent.  Government, by its very nature, violates the most primal and almost instinctive edict of human behavior as codified in all the major religions and secular positivist philosophies:  thou shall not murder.  And as Georg Buchan so ably and succinctly pointed out: “[m]urder begins where self-defense ends”.

In essence, government makes war on its inhabitants on pain of death, ultimately, for non-compliance.  No matter how one views it, it is a violation of everything man should hold decent and valued in a civilized society.  Far from “civilizing” peoples, government is a barbarian meme that seeks to establish that Might is Right and any disobedience will be dealt with violently.  Look at the present troubles in the Middle East and see the obedient government-media complex in America cheer-leading the use of force against protesters to restore order.  Think of it.  In Egypt, they receive the second highest foreign aid amount to include armaments next to Israel:  tanks, aircraft, weapons, artillery, you name it.  Why does Egypt have such value and what are they defending against?  They have tanks for the same reason other Third World nations have tanks:  to grind the disobedient into dust when the people rise up against the privations and abuses visited upon them by their governments.

I am often asked what would happen if government disappeared.  Would we not all be in mortal peril? I am reminded of reading the Wilberforce antislavery debates in the English Parliament in the 18th and 19th century and the absolute terror in those august Parliamentarians of what would happen when slaves were no longer available to provide certain goods and services.  Eventually, chattel slavery did disappear outside of Africa and parts of the Middle East (it remains there to this day) to be replaced by what some may view as a more refined notion of slavery through taxation and regulation.  In the end, slavery and government are wedded as mutually beneficial devices to ensure each other’s survival.

Americans live in anarchy everyday and should embrace their inner voluntaryist.  If you are a government supremacist, you are neither an abolitionist nor anti-slavery.  The choice is yours and the belief in limited government is no more viable than believing in ghosts or the Loch Ness monster.  Unicorns are a fiction and government thinks and knows that freedom is a fiction.  Speak truth to tyranny and let government know that you know better and that the emperor has no clothes.


Choose for yourself.

You children will thank you for paying it forward.

“There is no worse tyranny than to force a man to pay for what he does not want merely because you think it would be good for him.”

Robert Heinlein

* This article was originally published here

Monday, April 27, 2020

State of Fear: Disease to Power by Bill Buppert

State of Fear: Disease to Power by Bill Buppert


 Publisher’s Note: Yes, I am having a hell of a time with popcorn watching two ancient government supremacists, Comrades Bernie and Joey, slugging each other with handbags to out-Bolshie the other nitwit to get the CP-USA blood crown. But Dumb and Dumber will benefit from an economy wrecked again by government interference.

The tech overlords continue to advance in the hustings. Amazon, in July of 2009, remotely deleted a couple of novels on thousands of Kindle e-readers due to a copyright issue. Ironically, the titles were 1984 and Animal Farm.

Long time readers of this site know I have talked about the landmark 1939 US v. Miller Supremes decision that all but confirmed the ownership of military pattern weapons as a common feature of 2A affirmation since the founding lawyers penned the Constitution. The bottom line is that the robed employees insisted a reduced length shotgun was not a military weapon completely ignoring the use of trench shotguns in the first part of the greater world war to make the world safe for communism.

Garand Thumb [aka Plaid the Impaler] does a great video on the weapon here.

As an amateur historian, I am always seeking new sources and as tax slaves on the plantation, sometimes it’s worth investigating where we can get a little return on our dollars from the Leviathan.

Military history resources at the Infantry School (MCOE), the JFK Special Warfare School and Leavenworth are worth a look.

Maneuver Center of Excellence Libraries MCoE HQ Donovan Research Library This will also take you to the Army University resources.

Assessing Revolutionary And Insurgent Strategies (ARIS) Studies Lots of grat case studies here.

 US Army Center for Military History Another great resource, I am certain some of my readers can alert Zerogov on other resources out there.

I am a member of the Society for Military History out of VMI, the quarterly Journal of Military History is a tremendous dead tree magazine; I have a collection that stretches back to 1990.

Everything the government touches turns to shit, James Williams does a terrific analysis of how violent state intervention in health and medical care has destroyed a once great private system of the best medical care on Earth. But the market is finding a way to circumvent the circular firing squad that is government regulation.

 “In the meantime, the world of medical practice is changing. In 2020, doctors in private practice are rare birds, but the number is growing. More and more primary care physicians are spurning the government/insurance/hospital-corporation cabal (the healthcare equivalent of what Eisenhower called the Military-Industrial Complex in the 1950’s) and returning to a direct-pay system for their patients. Since patients are essentially paying cash for most primary care services anyway due to high copays and deductibles, they are starting to say they will pay a premium to have a GOOD family doctor or internist work with them and their families. This is taking the shape of things like concierge medical practices, where folks pay a set fee monthly to have access to first-rate personal medical care from a doctor they trust and who will commit to them for the long term.”

Am currently sharpening knives using a great stone from

Had a great weekend with my youngest son who is a shooting phenomenon; he has both the genetics and the will to be a world class shooter. He left this morning to return to his duty station with the USMC clown posse in Calizuela.

I am now the proud owner of a Vortex Razor Gen II-E 1-6 LPVO on my boom stick. Range report is pending.

Get to the range. -BB

“People sometimes quote Nassim Nicholas Taleb, the influential financial writer, by describing the pandemic as a “black swan” event. But it’s something else he wrote in his eponymous book that I find more enlightening. Imagine, he asks his readers, someone who has the foresight to warn against a coming disaster. People listen and take precautions. Then nothing happens. Did he just save the day or waste everyone’s time and resources?

We would never know. But he would, in a free society with a free press, get a lot of blame and criticism, however unfairly.

The only way you could know for sure is if no one listens and disaster strikes. He is proven right, but then you are dead. In a democracy, politicians always have an eye on the next election. A few of them may be smart cookies and foresee a disaster like the Covid-19 pandemic.”

– Alex Lo, South China Morning Post

On Wednesday, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced the latest step in a process that has progressively turned Italy into a fully quarantined country. Shops are mandated to be closed at all times, with the exception of pharmacies, food stores, and newsstands, as the government wisely considers information a primary need. All non-essential jobs have been temporarily stopped. People who still go to the office are requested to prove the absolute necessity to do so by signing a certificate that must be submitted and vetted by the police. Transgressors face up to three months in jail and a fine. Going out for physical activity is permitted, provided it’s short and solitary. Schools and universities — which have been shut down since March 4 — will be closed at least until April 3, but the date will likely be extended.”

What the journalistic vermin at the Boston Globe won’t tell you is that the socialist health care system in Italy was doomed to fail from the start, of course. Nor will they tell you that the Italian government is throwing the elderly over the transom and denying them care.

Rationing, you know.

But don’t worry the commies at Snopes are saying that triage is necessary with limited resources. If I landed from Mars, I would know from the Collectivist Noise Network and MSLSD-DNC that the lack of government control of healthcare is what is making blunting the impact of the Coronavirus so…difficult. And that just because it originated in Bernie’s second (third) favorite country on Earth doesn’t make it so.

I am not going to sound the doomsday gong and I do think the summer will burn the virus out as they always do. I am surprised the global warming fraudsters haven’t touted that as a side benefit. But no, that would intersectionally cannibalize the twisted narrative of toxic statism.

Follow the money:

“Why has a panic developed over this disease? Here we can again learn from Murray. He taught us to follow the money, and in this case, drug manufacturers and developers of vaccines stand to profit if they can frighten enough people. We all remember the “swine flu” panic of several years ago. Doctors developed a vaccine to prevent people from getting the alleged disease, and this vaccine killed many people. When Gerald Ford was president, there was also a “swine flu” panic, and you can watch Murray laughing at the panic here. If he were with us today, he would be laughing at the fearmongers, warning us about the dangers of vaccines, drugs, and quarantines, and reminding us that the main danger we face is the tyrannical and predatory state.”

Government inevitably seeks expansion of power no matter how morbid and bloodthirsty the means.

Hence the widespread and irrational panic.

It serves the state…

Toilet paper? Just buy a bidet for your toilet for forty bucks from Amazon. Problem solved and the forest will thank you.

Buy ammo with the savings…

Use this as a time to test your preparations and conduct a gaps analysis. Examine your system of systems, refine your ideas against what you are observing in family, friends and neighbors. Inventory physical holdings, assess skills shortcomings and adjust and plan appropriately.

* This article was originally published here

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Corona now supports Dark Mode

Apple recently added support for Dark Mode. Dark Mode first appeared in macOS Mojave and continues with macOS Catalina. On iOS Dark Mode first appeared in iOS 13. Even tvOS supports it! Dark Mode is a popular feature because many people prefer light text on a dark background and there is evidence that it’s more energy friendly as well. Android supports “Dark Theme” starting with Android 10. Corona now supports this across all supported platforms as well.

Starting with daily build 2019.3545 , Corona now recognizes Dark Mode automatically and updates native.newTextField() and native.newTextBox() objects to work with the selected mode.

In addition, system.getInfo(“darkMode”) will return a true or false value, so you can now theme your app to the mode selected.

local darkMode = system.getInfo("darkMode")

On iOS based builds, you can force your your app into “light” mode by adding an entry into the plist:

settings = 
    iphone = 
         plist =
               UIUserInterfaceStyle = "Light",

Please note, “Light” is case sensitive and must be capitalized. This works on older Corona builds and if you don’t want to update to the latest daily build, this is a way to keep the native text objects themed with your current app. If you want to do this for macOS builds, use this entry in your macOS plist:

settings = 
    macos = 
         plist =
               NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance = true,

* This article was originally published here

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Disease and the Will to Power by Bill Buppert

Disease and the Will to Power by Bill Buppert

Publisher’s Note: I have been carrying on my life as normal during this latest wholly owned subsidiary of government madness. I continue to go to work and I have used this as an opportunity to conduct a gaps analysis on my preparations. One of my life-long friends has been sharing our home with us when he and his wife escaped their expat location overseas just in the nick of time (days before they locked it down).

Use this time to do the same and get to the range.

If you get the “stimulus [to inflation]” check, use it for guns and ammo.

A short PSA for the government:

You wearing a gun right now? If not, unfuck yourself.

Get proficient, spicy time is coming. -BB

“A lesson I learned from this ancient culture is the notion of megalopsychon (a term expressed in Aristotle’s ethics), a sense of grandeur that was superseded by the Christian value of “humility.” There is no word for it in Romance languages; in Arabic it is called Shhm—best translated as nonsmall. If you take risks and face your fate with dignity, there is nothing you can do that makes you small; if you don’t take risks, there is nothing you can do that makes you grand, nothing.”

Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Antifragile: Things That Gain From Disorder

I’ll keep this short because I have been very busy contending with the idiocy of government from the local to the federal level and everything in between.

The wise Peter Hitchens sums it nicely:

“But even I would not have dared to predict the mass house arrest under which we are all now confined.

I have found the origin of this bizarre Napoleonic decree – a few clauses in the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984, which I confess I had not even heard of. It just goes to show how careful you have to be with the wording of the laws you pass.

If the TV this weekend is full of pictures of people sunning themselves in city parks or escaping to the high hills, there will be plenty of zealots and politicians ready to call for yet more restrictions, subjecting all of us to collective punishment.

Perhaps we will emulate the French or Italian states, which have returned to their despotic origins and reduced their populations to a sort of cowering serfdom, barely able to step into the street.

I wonder whether there might also be restrictions on what can be said and published. I can see no necessary bar to this in the law involved.”

He further avers:

“But as a former resident of the USSR, I can tell you that this sort of endless meddling by petty authority in the details of life, reinforced by narks, is normal in unfree societies – such as we have now become for an indefinite period. It is, by the way, also a seedbed for corruption.”

Read the whole thing.

This is not a pandemic.

CDC Data 2019-20 Flu Season


There are an estimated 38 million to 54 million flu illnesses, versus 103,000 COVID-19 cases, so COVID-19 is less than 1% – at worst, 0.3% to 0.2% of the number of influenza illnesses. In other words, 368 to 524 times more influenza illnesses vs. COVID-19. And the number of this year’s influenza illnesses is somewhat lower than the average over the years. And remember, these are illnesses, not “tested positive”, which means zip.

This is an ancillary upper respiratory complication in the large majority of cases that replicate some earlier flu variants.

You will find that the actual death numbers are low. You will also discover that the science behind this is incredibly compromised as is all science in the west today thanks to the cognitive infection of federal and government funding of science. This is especially true in the current climate (pun intended) of the virulent Neo-Lysenkoism of “climate alarmists”.  Not to mention the “scientism” or things that have the cosmetic attributes of science but without its rigor. These poorly educated reprobates have no grasp of empiricism, scientific methodology and an infantile worship of flawed models in everything they do.

You have to ask two questions to get at the heart of this:

Why are the elderly dying? They are dying because like humans for eternity before them, they have natural expiration dates. What you are seeing is some of the same cognitive malpractice you see in climate alarmism. The conflation of correlation with causation and a tendency to bend evidentiary rules so that one can cherry-pick premises to fit the conclusion formed before investigation began.

The old and frail are dying of comorbidity. In medicine, comorbidity is the presence of one or more additional conditions co-occurring with a primary condition; in the countable sense of the term, a comorbidity is each additional condition. Rare is the end of life one primary cause but rather a bundle of conditions and ephemera racing to score the coup de grace on the usually witting victim. Unless I expire in a fight in peacetime or wartime, I have a very good sense of my body mechanics starting to slow down or function less effectively.

In this case the elderly are dying because that is ultimately their career path whether we like it or not. In this case, it would be instructive to see the autopsy reports and I will bet a brick of .22LR that all of them had failing health or pre-conditions of less than optimal function. Keep in mind that less than ten percent of all assigned COVID deaths occur below the age of sixty. And this data is coming from the voodoo clown circus known as the World Health Organization.


“Beyond that, Italy also has the fifth-oldest population in the world; the United States ranks sixty-first. We already knew from data released by the Chinese Center for Disease Control that COVID-19 preys overwhelmingly upon the old and infirm, with death rates dramatically higher for those aged seventy and older. Further, almost all the elderly dead in that study had “comorbid” conditions of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or hypertension.

Similarly, a March 17 study in Italy found that the vast majority of those who had died in that country thus far were over the age of seventy, and virtually all had comorbid conditions; in fact, half of those who died had three or more. Almost nobody under the age of fifty has succumbed, and almost all who have also had serious existing medical conditions. This may reveal something about Italy’s healthcare system, but it’s not a portent of America’s future.”


And keep this is in mind:

“It’s important to note that seasonal flu, which causes outbreaks every year, should not be confused with pandemic flu, or a global outbreak of a new flu virus that is very different from the strains that typically circulate. This happened in 2009 with the swine flu pandemic, which is estimated to have killed between 151,000 and 575,000 people worldwide, according to the CDC. There is no flu pandemic happening currently.”

I am reality based in my assessments and if it turns out I am wrong because the evidence dictates otherwise, I will gladly change direction but right now, it appears to be another clown show run by the state and all their willing supplicants and boosters.

The second question is easy to answer, cui bono? Who benefits from this, of course.

The government.

You can see economically illiterate overreach everywhere. From your local communist mayors shutting down businesses, like Detroit South here in Tucson, where the petri dish of collectivism and the progressive cult has turned the city and its burgs into Plissken Acres complete with failed roads, high crime and the highest property taxes in the state. At the Federal level, the national CP-USA has consummated its sloppy wet dream of tempting the Mango Emperor to the dark side with ill-advised and economically unsustainable bailouts.

The term we used to describe this in the military was slamming your dick in the cash register.

So you can get gas and go to the grocery store and other retailers but you can’t sit in a room and eat food because…

A primary transmission vector may be shit.

Thus since we know that ONLY restaurants have public restrooms since no other retail outlet or vendor has restrooms, only they should be closed.

And if there is any retail venture in the USSA that lives on the razor’s edge for survival, it is food venues that serve eat-in customers but why not order them all closed because fuck you, that’s why.

The government, as usual, has turned a crisis into worse proportions than originally conceived. Do I assign this to conspiracy? Of course not, not where incompetence is always the right answer. The only conspiracy that occurs is covering up for who or what was responsible for the latest miles-long train of traveling dumpster fires rocketing down the track.

The collectivists have collectively gone mad [h/t to Phillip].


I am not a medical doctor nor an epidemiologist but I do wonder at the quarantine and self-isolation effects on herd immunity, only time will tell.


* This article was originally published here

Friday, April 24, 2020

Corona Labs server outages

As many of you have discovered, there has been an ongoing, periodic server outage. Our team has been working hard to try and find the root cause, but the issue has eluded us so far.

We know this is not a physical server problem. We can access the server. It is a dedicated server, so no other traffic is involved. The server load levels, network bandwidth and such are well within normal operating standards. The website worker processes just start taking a very long time to complete starting around 6am GMT. The problem persists for a range of hours from a low of around 7 hours to a high of around 13 hours. After that the servers and services return to normal. This only manifests itself on weekdays and not every day.

We are in the process of bringing in some external expertise to help us diagnose and solve the problems.

Corona Labs is committed to solving this issue as fast as we can to ensure that you have a reliable experience when using Corona.

* This article was originally published here

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Corona Labs transition update 22-April-2020

Many of you are curious how our transition is going. Here is a quick update as to its status.

Let’s start with rebranding…

Thanks to the help of the community, as we move away from Corona Labs Inc to our new open source/crowdfunding model, it’s time for a new name and new look.


Corona will be rebranding as Solar 2D. You helped pick out the name. You contributed some great branding to work with. And you helped pick the best of the best. You should start seeing this logo or variants showing up across our sites in days and weeks to come. We want to thank the wonderful people at for the logo! We want to also thank the community for driving this so our engineering efforts could go to our main priorities.

Offline Builds

One of the key milestones is not having dependencies on Corona Lab’s build servers. This is on track and is in a prototype that’s being polished. We are committed to keeping you using the Corona Solar 2D simulator instead of requiring native builds (which will still be an option if you like). We are on target hit this goal. TL;DR – You will use Solar 2D the same way you use Corona today.


More information on plugins will be coming soon. It’s a deeper discussion point and we wanted to keep this quick! We are planning a larger Q&A post in the next few days. But all is proceeding as well.


We are moving the forums to a new platform. It’s our goal to keep as many posts as possible. We are working out a few issues at the moment. Stay tuned for an announcement specifically for that. There will likely need to be some downtime as we copy the latest content to the new server and change DNS to point to the new forums.


This is a question that comes up frequently. More details will be coming soon in the Q&A post regarding this. Solar 2D’s success depends on you to support it. You can start pledging your support today at: Github Sponsors or Patreon.

We will be posting more information soon!

* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Corona Labs annual update

It’s 2020 and many of you have been wanting a roadmap for the next year. We’ve got several major updates to shed the light on Corona’s future and give you more perspective on your business goals connected to our product.

First, let us separate the business entity Corona Labs from the product Corona. On May 1, 2020, Corona Labs Inc. as a business entity will cease to operate. The main reason for this decision is the difference between income this business generates and operational expenses demanded. We assume that many of you, as mobile business owners yourself, can relate to this move. We appreciate your understanding and would like to thank everyone who contributed to our community growth. We’ve seen a lot of great games and apps produced by you, the community. From large studios to determined indie developers, you’ve surprised us and amazed us.

While Corona Labs will fade into an entry in the computer software corporate history as a business entity, Corona the product will go on as an open source project. Here are the details on how we’re planning to proceed.


Your existing and new games will continue to work. After we finish with the changes to the Corona Simulator, Native and CoronaCards, there should not be much difference in the development workflow for Corona users.

  1. Some of the Corona Labs staff have expressed an interest in continuing to work with Corona as an as-available hobby project, so some engine development will continue. There is a possibility that engineers would seek funding through platforms like Patreon or Github Sponsors to continue work in larger capacity.
  2. Appodeal will continue to fund infrastructure costs and work with the open source staff to keep the Appodeal plugin up to date.
  3. The Corona open source license will change from its current dual license state (Commercial + GPLv3) to a single, much more permissive license: The MIT License will make building the open source version of Corona easier for you and lift distribution restrictions on your apps and games. If you are using the GPL version of Corona, you can continue doing so in your fork.
  4. Corona Labs will remove Splash Screen restrictions and plugin license checks from Native and Simulator builds. All first-party plugins will be open sourced and be available on GitHub. Corona’s “daily” builds will be built using tools available for Open Source projects, and would be available on GitHub releases.
  5. We will change the Corona Simulator to be an offline tool, building for all supported platforms using local storage as a source for plugins.
  6. Marketplace sales will cease. Vendors will be paid what they are owed, and will have to distribute updates for their plugins themselves. Users will be able to download purchased plugins and assets before the store closure. Corona Labs will stop accepting new submissions to the Marketplace on February, 15. 2020. Self-hosted plugins will be turned on for everyone so community plugin developers can continue to provide plugins.
  7. We will migrate the forums and website content to another platform, since the current setup is tied to an expensive infrastructure. We may need several community members to volunteer to administer the new Forums. We are still working on what the website access will become.
  8. The community is welcome to spin up discussion forums. Possibilities include using GitHub’s Issues, Reddit’s /r/CoronaSDK page, a Facebook Group, etc. The community Slack will remain.
  9. The Corona Labs maintained social media accounts will remain open, and we will turn them into sources of useful information for developers (i.e., industry news, development and monetization tips, etc.).
  10. All these will not happen overnight. We are working on changes to the parts of the engine, and will release them gradually, moving the build process offline as well as migrating content to different platforms. We will post updates on the progress, as well as send out one more final email with all the details Feel free to follow Corona on Github or get involved in development. Progress will be reflected in this Github Project.

We sincerely hope that Corona can continue to thrive and that our great community can be more involved in its future. If there is anyone who would be interested in volunteering, a partnership or acquiring Corona Labs, please, contact us by emailing

If you want to discuss this, please use this Forum thread.

* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The Royal Scam: Disease, Debt, Deficits and the Circus of Lies by Bill Buppert

The Royal Scam: Disease, Debt, Deficits and the Circus of Lies by Bill Buppert


Publisher’s Note: I just completed a two-day pistol & carbine course with Bob Keller at Gamut Resolutions, he is the real deal. Honest and substantive firearms training for the intermediate to advanced shooter. He came out here to southern Arizona the first week of April while many of us braved the wild to get together and break bread as shooters for an intense two days of challenging shooting instruction and drills. I saw real improvement in just two days on speed which is my primary training gap. I am dead-nuts accurate but once the pace increases naturally shot groups start to expand.

Just got finished at the range this morning here in AZ where, fortunately, my local club is still allowing members only to shoot, the local communist mayor and her frightened Bolshies on the city council have continued to shutter “non-essential” businesses.

The sole non-essential business in America is government.

The local bedwetters are still committing economic seppuku by forcing shuttered businesses to remain closed.

Again, this is a prime opportunity for a gaps analysis of your preparations and your will to be responsible for delivering a better world for your children.

Michael Z hits it out of the park.

And, yes, I am astonished that Comrade Slow Joe the Hair-sniffer is the heir apparent for the CP-USA. His gaffes are hilarious and I find it pathetic that his wife and the other psychopaths in the party drag him out of the memory facility every day to compete in the loose denture Olympics with Comrade Malig-Nancy Pelosi. I loved when she and her comrades wore their hoodless Klan robes at the State of the Union. Tired old dessicated Bolsheviks sleepwalking through the graveyard of their dreams to get the commie blood-crown.

Any COBOL coders out there to help the comrades in New Jersey fix their Soviet employment system?

When communist vermin in Calizuela try to buy guns and are hoisted on their own petards… Is it the San Andreas or Donald Trump’s Fault now? I wonder how many of the liberals have a gun free zone sign in front of their homes?

Fifteen percent of their theft is down. Poor coproaches!

Land of the free in MS!

Some folks who have been with me a long time know that I have said I need to know two things about a man that will reveal his entire moral compass to me: his position on private weapons ownership and infanticide. Comrade-Governor Northam (CPUSA-VA) just signed a murder protection act that is breathtaking in its scope and its counterpoint to the weapons prohibitions the new government supremacists placed against private weapons ownership this year in the Old Dominion. He may be the ultimate beta-male model of Homo Sovieticus for whom the watchwords “provide and protect” are mere proletarian vices..

Went to the range today and ran out of room on my target, so I fired five rounds from my Glock Roland Special at seven yards on the trademark. My shooting improves…


286 shopping days until the next human fungus slithers into the Awful Office! -BB


“Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray’s case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. Often, the article is so wrong it actually presents the story backward—reversing cause and effect. I call these the “wet streets cause rain” stories. Paper’s full of them.

In any case, you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story, and then turn the page to national or international affairs, and read as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate about Palestine than the baloney you just read. You turn the page, and forget what you know.”

― Michael Crichton

“A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.”

– Aldous Huxley, Brave New World


Fuck the media both local and national, these scientifically illiterate chicken littles keep pumping a narrative that takes the worst parts of neo-Lysenkosim and the playbook from the climate alarmists to shutter an economy and hobble the productive class to the wishes of the parasite classes, which is the whole of government from the local to the Federal level. We even have an official snitch line here in Tucson, AZ for Comrade-Mayor Regina Romero to keep tabs on scofflaws who refuse to buckle to the idiotic diktats of statist monsters.

Please review my previous two essays on the politicized Peking Pox to get the assessment I reviewed before, the bottom line is that the absence of evidence on comorbidity in all ‘rona death certificates is perpetrating a fraud that is strangling the economy. Not since the War to Save Josef Stalin has such a wholesale industrial massacre taken place. It is hard enough to navigate the landscape of business in America with the regulatory horseshit and crushing taxes that greet most budding entrepreneurs. If you live in a state run by the CPUSA, the slipshod and naked gangsterism of the regulatory state is something to behold.

The Mango Emperor holds daily press conference with his two bureaucratic sidekicks in Comrades Fauci and Birx whose models and prognostications would make PeeWee Herman bewildered that he found someone more silly than him. I have yet to watch one of the briefings since I am better off mowing my lawn with my teeth. For all of Trump’s vaunted Machiavellian chutzpah, these two Soviet-era clowns have quite literally driven the country into a death spiral from which it may not recover along with the willingness of Cocaine Mitch and his Menshevik clown posse in the Senate spending money that won’t even be made whole by our great grandchildren assuming the country exists at all in two generations.

I don’t care about the Constitution because it has been used as the primary lever to create the largest government that has ever bestrode the Earth with all the noxious and deadly behaviors associated with Leviathan. In essence, the alleged “pandemic” has shown that the emperor wears no clothes and the Deep State’s default position in all things human is the aggregation of the power of life and death over its victim tax plantation populations. Just look at previous “pandemics” like H1N1 under America’s first female Black President.

“We shouldn’t be surprised that the numbers are inflated. In past epidemics, initial CFRs were floridly exaggerated. For example, in the 2009 H1N1 pandemic some early estimates were 10 times greater than the eventual CFR, of 1.28 percent. Epidemiologists think and quibble in terms of numerators and denominators—which patients were included when fractional estimates were calculated, which weren’t, were those decisions valid—and the results change a lot as a result. We are already seeing this. In the early days of the crisis in Wuhan, China, the CFR was more than 4 percent. As the virus spread to other parts of Hubei, the number fell to 2 percent. As it spread through China, the reported CFR dropped further, to 0.2 to 0.4 percent. As testing begins to include more asymptomatic and mild cases, more realistic numbers are starting to surface.”

Of course, the urinalists in the Deep State Propaganda Corps have been full press on this for two reasons:

Every attempt by the Deep State to delegitimize the Mango Emperor have ended in circular firing squad by the CPUSA apparatchiks as their half-baked coup attempts have come to naught.

Second, the economy has been superfluously successful and the usual suspects have not been able to employ their usual efforts to ensure that any private success is a direct result of the beneficence and genius of government action. Anyone not paralyzed from the neck up in a skiing accident knows that private entrepreneurs are the driving force of all free wealth creation and political entrepreneurs are the beneficiaries of remora nation. The bureaucratic state needs the CPUSA to win in November and this is yet another attempt to unseat the latest rogue in the Offal Office.

I am no champion of Republicans and find them to be the weak-kneed and simpering sister in the Deep State brotherhood. But keep in mind that historically since 1968, the CPUSA and its legion of urinalist nitwits have questioned the legitimacy of every GOP succession to the Offal Office.

Plenty of other worthies are crunching the numbers on this not-too-unusual flu season. I will not run the numbers except for the brilliant predictions made by one of my more unfortunate and gullible readers:

Desert Rat [291003MAR2020]:

By April 15th, the number infected in the US is expected to be 260 million.

The number of deaths is expected to be 305,000.

He has a few days for those numbers to catch up but I think he is spectacularly wrong as are so many dullards across the fruited plain in and out of political office. It goes to show that even the most liberty minded can be seduced by the poisonous swansong of the state.

According to the Chinese Broadcasting Service (CBS), we are now at 18,000 deaths due to the ‘rona. I call bullshit because of the attendant preexisting conditions and sinister incentives afforded hospitals for calling a stubbed toe or traffic accident fatality the ‘rona.

But the conflation between coincident, correlative and causative continues in the bizarro-world of the CDC and its scientific illiterati:

COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death. Certifiers should include as much detail as possible based on their knowledge of the case, medical records, laboratory testing, etc. If the decedent had other chronic conditions such as COPD or asthma that may have also contributed, these conditions can be reported in Part II. (See attached Guidance for Certifying COVID-19 Deaths…”

Of course, the government agencies have caused literal intellectual traffic jams as their clown cars have overwhelmed the solution sets:

“The CDC does not have a solution, but it also becomes the classic blocker to progress. Labs cannot act without a lengthy approval process from CDC and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These government controls violate the principle of subsidiarity (that problems should be solved at the lowest level possible). Ultimately care is provided by local hospitals, care facilities, and labs.

South Korea’s rapid testing allowed for early treatment and containment of the virus. These test kits were created in three weeks. Many labs in the US could have solved the test kit problem but were restrained by the FDA and CDC. The South Koreans offered to help us, but was the CDC listening? Evidently not.”

I guess I have to be thankful that history’s largest clown posse is, indeed, a clown posse.

The ultimate solution to killing a virus is herd immunity and for our plantation masters, a bridge too far.

Who knows, for the first time in US history, maybe not a single elderly person will be reported as dying of old age!

You simply can’t make this shit up.

Call me a skeptic at anything the government claims to be true.


* This article was originally published here

Monday, April 20, 2020

Lysenko Lives! The Corona Cargo Cult by Bill Buppert

Lysenko Lives! The Corona Cargo Cult by Bill Buppert


Publisher’s Note: The Peter Principle informs all government action, prove me wrong. What you are witnessing live before your very eyes is a culmination of decades of government supremacist indoctrination that has rendered common sense obsolete, economic illiteracy fashionable and haute couture and the expert culture on display in all its fabulist glory.

Fuck the media, these retards have been whistling past the graveyard their entire lives. Urinalists have lived in a Marxoid house of mirrors for so long, they have no idea which way is up and what truth even looks like.

In medical terms, what you are seeing is the most Technicolor iatrogenic circus show in American history.

As I have said before, you have an unparalleled opportunity to do your gaps analysis right now on preparations and your training for the coming spicy time [h/t to Pete at WRSA].

“You really don’t have enough food, fuels, meds, ammo, shovels, or woodchippers, along with hard-hearted trained and provisioned friends who will stand by you when things move from “frisky” through “spicy” to “SPORKY”.

My youngest son is a Marine and he said the Corps is nothing more than “an anarchist factory now…”

Don’t think this very expensive thirty-day plus trial of communism will be lost on your zookeepers. They are taking very careful notes and smiling approvingly as their little serf-puppets run from one end of the plantation to the other whenever they pull the strings.

There is even a rumbling of a special praetorian guard in Mordor on the Potomac descending there to defend the government supremacists from…something.

Truly, Three Blind Mice is the national anthem.

If you get a chance, read the entire 1974 Commencement address by the brilliant Richard Feynman if you get a chance, worth every minute. Get to the range. -BB


“Close contact between science and the practice of collective farms and State farms creates inexhaustible opportunities for the development of theoretical knowledge, enabling us to learn ever more and more about the nature of living bodies and the soil.”

Comrade-Scientist Trofim Lysenko

“Renowned physicist Richard Feynman coined the phrase “cargo cult science” based on such cults. The term draws a metaphor for research which is polluted by the mind’s tendency to cherry-pick evidence that supports the desired outcome. Though it is tempting to look down on these islanders for their misguided assumptions, they are simply an extreme example of this very human bias. For them it was easier to believe that the control towers, headsets, and runways were the cause of the cargo-carrying airplanes rather than an effect, so they closed their minds to alternative explanations.”

– Gerry Matlack, 2007

“Now it behooves me, of course, to tell you what they’re missing.  But it would he just about as difficult to explain to the South Sea Islanders how they have to arrange things so that they get some wealth in their system.  It is not something simple like telling them how to improve the shapes of the earphones.  But there is one feature I notice that is generally missing in Cargo Cult Science.  That is the idea that we all hope you have learned in studying science in school—we never explicitly say what this is, but just hope that you catch on by all the examples of scientific investigation.  It is interesting, therefore, to bring it out now and speak of it explicitly.  It’s a kind of scientific integrity, a principle of scientific thought that corresponds to a kind of utter honesty—a kind of leaning over backwards.  For example, if you’re doing an experiment, you should report everything that you think might make it invalid—not only what you think is right about it: other causes that could possibly explain your results; and things you thought of that you’ve eliminated by some other experiment, and how they worked—to make sure the other fellow can tell they have been eliminated.

Details that could throw doubt on your interpretation must be given, if you know them.  You must do the best you can—if you know anything at all wrong, or possibly wrong—to explain it.  If you make a theory, for example, and advertise it, or put it out, then you must also put down all the facts that disagree with it, as well as those that agree with it.  There is also a more subtle problem.  When you have put a lot of ideas together to make an elaborate theory, you want to make sure, when explaining what it fits, that those things it fits are not just the things that gave you the idea for the theory; but that the finished theory makes something else come out right, in addition.

 In summary, the idea is to try to give all of the information to help others to judge the value of your contribution; not just the information that leads to judgment in one particular direction or another.”

– Dr. Richard Feynman, Commencement at CalTech 1974


All root causes have many fathers, many vectors for an explanatory framework for why things happen the way they do, the saga of the Peking Pox provides future historians with many opportunities to discover just what made this galactic tail risk episode what it is. All the usual suspects have made claims for knowing exactly what we’re facing. Not a particularly vicious flu season but a goddamned Biblical apocalypse which threatens the very fabric of modern civilization.

Hence the importance of governments planet-wide rushing to impose every manner of tyrannical and ill-conceived centrally planned nonsense that has always made any human calamity worse by orders of magnitude. They can’t help themselves because it is all they know.

You won’t find me parsing the nonsensical and shamanesque grotesqueries of Comrades Birx or Fauci or any of the other “government health” frauds at the hilariously contranymic Center for Disease Control; when not chasing the phantoms of gun violence (is hanging rope violence?) or racism or salt, the CDC is yet another government clown posse who couldn’t predict a sunset much less the verities of viral outbreaks.

But at the moment, they’re not allowed to do that without FDA approval. When the United States declared the outbreak a public health emergency on 31 January, a bureaucratic process kicked in that requires FDA’s “emergency use approval” for any tests. “The declaration of a public health emergency did exactly what it shouldn’t have. It limited the diagnostic capacity of this country,” Mina says. “It’s insane.”

 I have mentioned Lysenko in the past.

“Like the Soviet Union itself, the “science” of Trofim Lysenko has been consigned to the dustbin of history. Yet the dangers of Lysenkoism—of subsuming biology to ideology—continue to lurk.”

He is the patron saint of all government science and the palatial CDC offices in Atlanta should have a 120 foot statue of him erected in front of the ugly building where all the government “workers” (I call it assisted living) toil away wasting the six and a half billion dollars stolen for the agency every year from the very workers idled at home or who have lost their jobs. Now their great grandchildren get to shuffle under the burden of the inflationary stimulus nonsense as the Treasury prints paper and creates digits to send idled workers sufficient monies to fill their septic tanks. Not only do the numbers not add up but thanks to the CDC’s directive on assigning Peking Pox on the death certificate if the deceased patient’s boyfriend’s janitor’s son read an article about Chinese Bat Soup recipes. I talked about this in the previous article. Here we have the classic dilemma for all government: do we save lives or act like we are and aggrandize our power over the tax serfs in unprecedented ways so we don’t let a crisis go to waste.

To wit:

“In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID–19 cannot be made, but it is suspected or likely (e.g., the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty), it is acceptable to report COVID–19 on a death certificate as “probable” or “presumed.” In these instances, certifiers should use their best clinical judgement in determining if a COVID–19 infection was likely. However, please note that testing for COVID–19 should be conducted whenever possible.”

Of course, the Mango Emperor seems to be oblivious to the damage wrought by forcing a supposedly free people under mass house arrest. For egregious examples of the national socialists’ will to power just take a look at the exploits of the Dear Leaders in NY, NJ and Michigan where 60 percent of all.

No one can rely on any of the innumeracy coming out of the cake holes of the self-anointed (but accurately named “government health professionals), theirs is a vocation devoted to ensuring the health of the state above all else.

Have no doubt that the gutting and rendering of reproducible science, the whoring of basic science research to political fancies and the “climate alarmist” lobotomizing of scientific empiricism has led us to this point in concert with the ceaseless desire on the part of the most well-fed communist fifth column in the history of the planet to turn every human endeavor to the wheel of the state.

Take a good hard look around you at the family, friends and neighbors you see bowing and scraping before every foolish edict coming out of the asshole under the nose of every power-mad politico in America. There is one sure way to defeat viral contagion and that is herd immunity which doesn’t get stronger under mandated self-isolation.

Flu shots don’t protect you, exposure to the mass body of contagions that is your local human community does.

Hide and ye shall reap the rewards of your cowardice.

Fear is the mind killer. In this case, it will also actually kill you in the flesh.

* This article was originally published here