“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
“Better to die fighting for freedom then be a prisoner all the days of your life.”
Publisher’s Note: Think you have the stones to rebel, think again.
But you better think hard.
“That said, some people may have more naturally non-conformist personalities than others, at least in periods of their lives. Whether such rebels are successful in breaking out, however, may partly depend on how convincingly they can justify to themselves, and defend to others, that we don’t want to conform.
If so, we would expect a tendency to adopt non-standard norms to be linked to verbal ability and perhaps general intelligence in individuals who actually rebel, which there’s some evidence to support.
How we react to unfairness may also affect our propensity to rebel. One study found that people who are risk averse and easily trust others are less likely to react strongly to unfairness. While not proven in the study, it may make such individuals more likely to conform.”
I happen to think that some Celtic people are naturally anti-authoritarian but then again look at the socialist disasters in both “free” Ireland (Eire) and the occupied north country. Even after 1922. Socialists are killing socialists to create a better socialism.
I’ll take Zomia any day.
On another note in these tumultuous times, the Viking culture has much to tell us. I recently finished Shippey’s terrific “Laughing Shall I Die: Lives and Deaths of the Great Vikings” (læjandi skalk deyja).
It’s an uncut presentation of Viking behavior, straight up, no chaser. Where women appear not a single time in this book, however, is as warriors, because Viking women warriors are a total myth.
If you laughed as your enemies killed you, because you knew how they were going to die soon too and you’d get your vengeance, that was admirable. The goal wasn’t stoicism (which was often the goal of other martial societies, particularly the American Indians); it was getting one over on your enemies, and knowing it. Or if you bided your time as a defeated slave, forming a plan to kill and mutilate your enemies, then chuckled over their bodies, that was admirable too. (It is, as Shippey says, no coincidence that our word “gloat” comes from Old Norse.) Waiting to get back at your enemies so as to do it well is high-class behavior; it’s low-class thralls that lose their tempers and strike back hastily. And if you simply can’t get vengeance, you can make a dark joke, like the saga hero who, cut terribly across the face in hand-to-hand combat onboard a ship, grabs his gold, says “The Danish woman in Bornholm won’t think it so pleasant to kiss me now,” and jumps overboard to sink beneath the waves. Being humorously nasty is also admirable, like the man who, as he is about to be decapitated after a battle, asks for one of his enemies to hold his hair back so it doesn’t get bloody—then, as the axe falls, jerks backward so the helper’s hands are cut off, and dances around, laughing and shouting “Whose hands are in my hair?!”
Being comfortable with losing continued even after death. Those warriors chosen for Valhalla were not promised eternal life or eternal happiness; they were promised a good time until Ragnarok, the final battle, whereupon all of them, and all the gods, were to lose and die permanently. In the Viking ethos, this makes sense, because you can only show that you will never give in if you can be defeated. The goal isn’t to avoid defeat, certainly not by switching sides to gain advantage. It’s to show your worth, come what may. Many have pointed out that the gods in the Iliad are, in a sense, lesser than men because their immortality makes everything they do ultimately trivial. Not so for Vikings, or their gods.
Fighting was the number one Viking activity, of course.
In all the sagas, there is a definite exaltation of strongly masculine behavior, mostly fighting but wine and women as well. Vikings had a general love of constant violence, including games intended to create violent disputes among friends out of nothing. They also invariably reacted with a hair trigger to insults; and when they lost their lives, as they expected to someday, if not laughing ideally offered dying last words that were not self-pitying but were laconic, such as “bear to Silkisif and our sons my greeting; I won’t be coming.” Self-control was extremely important—showing any weak-seeming emotion or offering any reaction (other than violence or laughter) was looked down on, even if severely injured or having lost a child or wife. Vikings didn’t cry, ever. All this behavior was, collectively, drengskapr, basically a code of honor, the function of which Shippey analogizes to later European dueling, which served important functions tied to the core male need for validation and hierarchy. Its opposite, naturally, was dishonorable behavior, such as killing the defenseless, cowardice, or breaking an oath; such actions meant either a loss of face or expulsion from the community.
So consider even in defeat, you can win.
And my readers know how I feel about dueling….
I wanted to mention that Pete at Western Rifle Shooters Association has been nuked by the mandarins at WordPress. If one opposes communism, human slavery and infanticide, you are subject to censorship in twenty-first century Amerika.
I have renewed my presence at Gab to honor Pete; find and follow me at @zerogov. -BB
“There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.”
“The end may justify the means as long as there is something that justifies the end.”
― Their Morals and Ours: The Class Foundations of Moral Practice
“It does not do to rely too much on silent majorities, Evey, for silence is a fragile thing, one loud noise, and its gone. But the people are so cowed and disorganised. A few might take the opportunity to protest, but it’ll just be a voice crying in the wilderness. Noise is relative to the silence preceding it. The more absolute the hush, the more shocking the thunderclap. Our masters have not heard the people’s voice for generations, Evey and it is much, much louder than they care to remember.”
― V for Vendetta
Unless you were in hibernation, American policing suffered yet another bad public relations fiasco when one of its low IQ thugs murdered George Floyd in Minneapolistan; Floyd has history and difficulties but the typical brutish bully scrum so popular with American coproaches saw him asphyxiated by one of the badged heroes on the ground during an official kidnapping.
Anyone acquainted with this blog knows I have warned about the political enforcers and their misdeeds ever since I have been writing. I published “Just Say No to Cops” in 2009.
Absent cops, no politician can rob a single human of their liberty. Full stop. Until humankind owns that notion, every pursuit of liberty and freedom will be a forlorn hope. Now we’re even hearing the usual suspects in the deep state media talking about reducing or eliminating police departments (there are currently 19,000 of these Loyalist army units in America from the Federal to the local level). The Bluecoats today are the analog of the Redcoats riding roughshod over British colonials before the divorce proceeding from London started in earnest. The cops are the standing army the Anti-Federalists warned us about.
While I am encouraged by such sober thinking, the government supremacist on the left have failed to grasp that their fetid Sovietopian dreams need cops to be realized. No communist state can exist without two important ingredients: a robust police state and a very large segment of the subject population who are either unpaid or paid informants for the state. These two elements are intimately married to each other and no leviathan can exist absent these things.
The latter notion of an informant society is the glue that terraforms the building of homo Sovieticus. And make no mistake, the iron dream of every [national] socialist and communist is complete control of the physical and mental landscape of the serf populations.
If fear and obedience are the brick and mortar of the state, the informant and casual compliance with state codes may be the foundation of the steel house of the government plantation.
I have no need to choose between the dying liberal order and the Mango Emperor, as I have no need to choose between Lucifer and Baphomet. Both major parties in the US are mere complements of one another. One, the Democrats is nothing more than an asylum structure to house the Bolsheviks while the scolding and invertebrate Mensheviks of the Grand Old Politburo are embarrassed that the gibbering of the Democrats says out loud what they are thinking.
Both parties want nothing more than your chained obedience.
It’s supreme irony that the government supremacists in Antifa, BLM and their Democrat party sugar daddies are calling for defunding the police. The very entity that makes all government shitholes enforceable under their inhuman rule.
Tucker Carlson does a great job deconstructing the cargo cult that is communism.
Who knew that the post-apocalypse movies would be a glimpse into what we are now seeing in cities today.
I lecture on antifragility and the latest manufactured crisis have shown just how delicate and might I say, snowflake-like urban infrastructure is. Peter Grant over at BRM does a great overview.
The political violence you are seeing is nothing new in the last fifty years, for insight into the daily bombings and mayhem, one need look no further than the late sixties until 1984. I recommend Bryan Burrough’s book Days of Rage: America’s Radical Underground, the FBI and the Forgotten Era of Revolutionary Violence. Mind you, Borroughs is a fellow traveler with the government supremacists. Comrade Obama was an acolyte of the era.
“People have completely forgotten that in 1972 we had over nineteen hundred domestic bombings in the United States,” notes a retired FBI agent, Max Noel. “People don’t want to listen to that. They can’t believe it. One bombing now and everyone gets excited. In 1972? It was every day. Buildings getting bombed, policemen getting killed. It was commonplace.”
“…radical violence was so deeply woven into the fabric of 1970s America that many citizens, especially in New York and other hard-hit cities, accepted it as part of daily life. As one New Yorker sniffed to the New York Post after an FALN attack in 1977, “Oh, another bombing? Who is it this time?”
“…as hard as it may be to comprehend today, there was a moment during the early 1970s when bombings were viewed by many Americans as a semi-legitimate means of protest. In the minds of others, they amounted to little more than a public nuisance.”
There’s an interview here with Burroughs by a bearded woman of both sexes from The Nation (the commie rag). Pack an air sickness bag for some of the commie apologetics by the host.
My point here is that domestic communist violence in America is nothing new.
In January, the political coup conducted by the deep state against the Mango Mussolini came to naught and then the usual suspects weaponized a novel new variant of the common flu or cold (both Corona subsets in viral taxonomy) to attempt to destroy the economy. I found it curious the most non-essential business of all, government, was deemed essential but when you control the levers of power the vanity project informs otherwise. You will also note that the approved “essential” workers throughout the economy were apparently and without evidence immune to exposure.
Curiouser and curiouser.
Hence the sudden trigger of yet another human being savaged by the government thugs becomes a cause celebre that literally enflames the nation.
Well, at least in urban areas.
Gold, guns and groceries remain a top priority for 2020 and 2021 should be even more sporty.
The real resistance is the refusal to acknowledge that communists are human beings.
“William: “I’m sure we can all pull together, sir.”
Vetinari: “Oh, I do hope not. Pulling together is the aim of despotism and tyranny. Free men pull in all kinds of directions.”
― Terry Pratchett, The Truth
* This article was originally published here
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