Friday, June 26, 2020

Police Academy: The Totalitarian Trail of Tears by Bill Buppert

“The fall of moral civilization has always been brought about by those who were “just doing their jobs”.”

― Jeremy Grantham

Publisher’s Note:  Welcome to the new and improved ZeroGov. Protected for now from the vagaries and barbaric sensibilities of the Robespierres of the Silicon Slavers. 

A few thoughts.

The fate of statuary in America is not a big concern of mine but I do think one erases any history at your peril, witness the astonishing whitewashing of the sole Democratic party ownership of slavery in the US, lynching, the KKK, Jim Crow, segregation, lunch counters and on and on. My solution is the government stops funding art for and to itself and sell every last remaining statue at fire sale prices to private investors who will then remand it to private property where theft or vandalism becomes…problematic. 

You must get to the range, you must develop a core team of trusted individuals who can assist you in the coming spicy time. You must tend to your kit. You must take every article of camouflage fabric you have in your closet to “stand to” and bury it. You must use drab mono-colors on all your ready gear. 

The coming conflict will be “suit and tie” like Michael Collins. You will not wear a uniform, your uniform will be what you go to work or to the beach or hiking and you must plan appropriately carry the minimalist kit to defend yourself or tend to your “wasp” duties. 

Take advantage of the ridiculous mask-wearing regime to lower your profile. Wear sunglasses and ballcaps or boonies.  

Get to the range, get your kit in order and get your health and fitness up to seed for the coming spicy times. I have written extensively and referenced smarter people than I on what to get and how to train. 

I am hoping the present over-reach and radicalization of the communists in America this summer leads to a new Thermidor. Peter McPhee gives a delightful overview of the dĂ©nouement of the French Revolution in 1794 in his magisterial essay, “The White Terror” in A Companion to the French Revolution on pages 359–377. 

It was and will be delicious in the Second Act unveiling here in Amerika. 

In other news, I received a sample  Faraday Bag from a reader who produces them a month ago. I normally use a Mission Darkness Faraday bag but this one not only performed on par with it but had the unique feature of actually being able to view the device in the bag to confirm visually it was still “locked out” of service. I highly recommend them. Just went to lunch with friends and the bag held 5x smartphones and didn’t blink. If you don’t think you need to practice better communications hygiene, you are not paying attention. 

Comments. I love comments and I will not patronize a site like the commies at “The Atlantic” who have none. Recently, “The Federalist” in a cowardly nod to collectivist angst pulled their comments function which had been described by the usual Marxoid pearl-clutchers as racist [fill-in-the-black]. How easily the conservative intelligentsia crumples before the onslaught of faculty lounge witches and millennial women of both sexes who wear their underwear way too tight. 

Fuck them. Don’t accept comments? Your site is a propaganda organ and nothing else.

Please get in touch with me on any improvements you may wish to see at the site. I am trying to improve the search function and maybe even have a blogroll. -BB

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956

“I live in the Managerial Age, in a world of “Admin.” The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid “dens of crime” that Dickens loved to paint. It is not done even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered (moved, seconded, carried, and minuted) in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by quiet men with white collars and cut fingernails and smooth-shaven cheeks who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern.”

– C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters

“Perhaps it was true a century ago—I deeply regret that it is no longer true—but the United States criminal justice system long ago lost any legitimate claim to the loyal cooperation of American citizens. You cannot write tens of thousands of criminal statutes, including many touching upon conduct that is neither immoral nor dangerous, write those laws as broadly as you can imagine, scatter them throughout the thousands of pages of the United States Code—and then expect decent law-abiding, unsuspecting citizens to cooperate with an investigation into whether they may have violated some law they have never even heard about. The next time some police officer or government agent asks you whether you would be willing to answer a few questions about where you have been and what you have been doing, you must respectfully but very firmly decline.”


“If a police officer encounters you in one of those moments, he or she has every right to ask you two simple questions. Memorize these two questions so you will not be tempted to answer any others:

Who are you?

What are you doing right here, right now?

If you are ever approached by a police officer with those two questions, and your God-given common sense tells you that the officer is being reasonable in asking for an explanation, don’t be a jerk.”

― James Duane, You Have the Right to Remain Innocent

“That concentration camps were ultimately provided for the same groups in all countries, even though there were considerable differences in the treatment of their inmates, was all the more characteristic as the selection of the groups was left exclusively to the initiative of the totalitarian regimes: if the Nazis put a person in a concentration camp and if he made a successful escape, say, to Holland, the Dutch would put him in an internment camp. Thus, long before the outbreak of the war the police in a number of Western countries, under the pretext of “national security,” had on their own initiative established close connections with the Gestapo and the GPU [Russian State security agency], so that one might say there existed an independent foreign policy of the police. This police-directed foreign policy functioned quite independently of the official governments; the relations between the Gestapo and the French police were never more cordial than at the time of Leon Blum’s popular-front government, which was guided by a decidedly anti-German policy. Contrary to the governments, the various police organizations were never overburdened with “prejudices” against any totalitarian regime; the information and denunciations received from GPU agents were just as welcome to them as those from Fascist or Gestapo agents. They knew about the eminent role of the police apparatus in all totalitarian regimes, they knew about its elevated social status and political importance, and they never bothered to conceal their sympathies. That the Nazis eventually met with so disgracefully little resistance from the police in the countries they occupied, and that they were able to organize terror as much as they did with the assistance of these local police forces, was due at least in part to the powerful position which the police had achieved over the years in their unrestricted and arbitrary domination of stateless and refugees.”


“…the consequences of this shift of emphasis from the police to the military in the power game were of great consequence. It is true, ascendancy of the secret police over the military apparatus is the hallmark of many tyrannies, and not only the totalitarian; however, in the case of totalitarian government the preponderance of the police not merely answers the need for suppressing the population at home but fits the ideological claim to global rule. For it is evident that those who regard the whole earth as their future territory will stress the organ of domestic violence and will rule conquered territory with police methods and personnel rather than with the army. Thus, the Nazis used their SS troops, essentially a police force, for the rule and even the conquest of foreign territories, with the ultimate aim of an amalgamation of the army and the police under the leadership of the SS.”

― Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism


I remember writing for some local rag in Tennessee in the 1990s pressing for folks to get their heads examined in their unadorned love and affection for political police forces. If a dime of state money funds a police agency, it is de facto and de jure a political police mechanism. Politicians are violence brokers, they just managed to massage the vocabulary to get their real jobs buried under the linguistic confetti of Mom and apple pie. There is not a politician in existence across the spectrum who doesn’t mean you harm if you don’t bend a knoee and comply and obey.

Not one…even the clown posse in the Libertarian Party.

Of course we should defund and defang the police, they have been a clear and present danger to all human liberty since they were foisted on the hapless subjects in the American plantation in the urban centers in the 1800s. Now we have a mass movement of communists in the US wanting to “defund the police” but they don’t really mean what they are saying because whatever destruction of the 19,000 police infestations they dismantle, they will reflag or erect a new policing and enforcement system that will be a clever hybrid of the secret police mechanisms so common in communist countries with a chaser of secular Sharia that will make the Saudi Arabian religious police look the Keystone Cops. Call it what you will: communism, socialism, environmentalism, neo-conservatism, government supremacism and on and on, no matter the label the usual suspects wish to put you and yours on a plantation where you will be monitored, regulated, exacted and when necessary, culled.

So far, my friend Brian  at Fatal Encounters has identified over 28,000 corpses stacked up by the American police since January 1st, 2000. I remind everyone that this number is low due to mis-, non- and under-reporting and only covers the free range targets outside the vast penal system in the country.

Unless you are a government supremacist, the cop will never be your friend and always your enemy.

You need to wrap your head around the fact that the cops have never been there to protect freedom, they have never been a thin blue line to stop barbarism. They have been the Leninist vanguard to advance every scrap of government ambition to expand and interfere with every notion you have of living free and being a productive member of your family. I already spoke to this in my last blog post.

You are on your own and no one is coming to save you.

History does not have any examples of government making your life better. None. You simply trade one predator for another.

Free markets aren’t a species of economics, it is the baseline of all human behavior despite what the communists in the Long March Through American Institutions are telling you via all their captured propaganda nodes in the media and the “universities” (ask yourself: what is the opposite of diversity?). Every other economic theory or train of thought has one goal in mind: the complete sublimation of your atomized behavior to be puppeteered by the coercive controls in place enforced by a police mechanism. I made that easy for you.

In recent history, the Great War in 1914 started thanks to the Gavrip Princip[le] where a young Bosnian Serbian Nationalist accidentally ran into the car carrying the Archduke and his wife and his two rounds were the communist shot heard ’round the world that set the stage for the slow motion car crash that would make the world safe for communist domination in 1945 at the close of the Second Act of the War to Save Government Supremacism (1938-1945). We even see the Germans inject the communist bacillus into the body of Russia on the armored train when they injected V.I. Lenin into the system. The rest is blood-drenched history. What you are seeing this summer is a culmination of over a century of shaping the conditions for the creation of a prison planet. The combination of many factors to include the government indoctrination of the young in K-PhD in the vast indoctrination complex yielded entire generations of humans whose critical thinking skills were negligible and were innumerate and illiterate on an industrial scale making for perfect fodder for political manipulation as enthusiastic if not willing serfs so sensitive a stray word could send them to the fainting couches.

A word.

So enjoy the decline, those of you who have championed the police or reflexively defended their barbarism, you get what you deserve.

Ride the wave, Buttercup, we are to blame for this along with every other man going back to the Founding that tolerated this state of affairs.

“So what is the answer? How can you stand your ground when you are weak and sensitive to pain, when people you love are still alive, when you are unprepared?

What do you need to make you stronger than the Interrogator and the whole trap?

From the moment you go to prison you must put your cozy past firmly behind you. At the very threshold, you must say to yourself: “My life is over, a little early to be sure, but there’s nothing to be done about it. I shall never return to freedom. I am condemned to die—now or a little later. But later on, in truth, it will be even harder, and so the sooner the better. I no longer have any property whatsoever. For me those I love have died, and for them I have died. From today on, my body is useless and alien to me. Only my spirit and my conscience remain precious and important to me.”

Confronted by such a prisoner, the Interrogation will tremble.

Only the man who has renounced everything can win that victory.”

― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago, 1918-1956: An Experiment in Literary Investigation, Books I-II




* This article was originally published here

Saturday, June 6, 2020

The Unmasking by Bill Buppert

The Unmasking by Bill Buppert


“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

Buckminster Fuller

“Better to die fighting for freedom then be a prisoner all the days of your life.”

Bob Marley


Publisher’s Note: Think you have the stones to rebel, think again.

 But you better think hard.

“That said, some people may have more naturally non-conformist personalities than others, at least in periods of their lives. Whether such rebels are successful in breaking out, however, may partly depend on how convincingly they can justify to themselves, and defend to others, that we don’t want to conform.

If so, we would expect a tendency to adopt non-standard norms to be linked to verbal ability and perhaps general intelligence in individuals who actually rebel, which there’s some evidence to support.

How we react to unfairness may also affect our propensity to rebel. One study found that people who are risk averse and easily trust others are less likely to react strongly to unfairness. While not proven in the study, it may make such individuals more likely to conform.”

I happen to think that some Celtic people are naturally anti-authoritarian but then again look at the socialist disasters in both “free” Ireland (Eire) and the occupied north country. Even after 1922. Socialists are killing socialists to create a better socialism.

I’ll take Zomia any day.

On another note in these tumultuous times, the Viking culture has much to tell us. I recently finished Shippey’s terrific “Laughing Shall I Die: Lives and Deaths of the Great Vikings”  (læjandi skalk deyja).

It’s an uncut presentation of Viking behavior, straight up, no chaser. Where women appear not a single time in this book, however, is as warriors, because Viking women warriors are a total myth.

If you laughed as your enemies killed you, because you knew how they were going to die soon too and you’d get your vengeance, that was admirable. The goal wasn’t stoicism (which was often the goal of other martial societies, particularly the American Indians); it was getting one over on your enemies, and knowing it. Or if you bided your time as a defeated slave, forming a plan to kill and mutilate your enemies, then chuckled over their bodies, that was admirable too. (It is, as Shippey says, no coincidence that our word “gloat” comes from Old Norse.) Waiting to get back at your enemies so as to do it well is high-class behavior; it’s low-class thralls that lose their tempers and strike back hastily. And if you simply can’t get vengeance, you can make a dark joke, like the saga hero who, cut terribly across the face in hand-to-hand combat onboard a ship, grabs his gold, says “The Danish woman in Bornholm won’t think it so pleasant to kiss me now,” and jumps overboard to sink beneath the waves. Being humorously nasty is also admirable, like the man who, as he is about to be decapitated after a battle, asks for one of his enemies to hold his hair back so it doesn’t get bloody—then, as the axe falls, jerks backward so the helper’s hands are cut off, and dances around, laughing and shouting “Whose hands are in my hair?!”

Being comfortable with losing continued even after death. Those warriors chosen for Valhalla were not promised eternal life or eternal happiness; they were promised a good time until Ragnarok, the final battle, whereupon all of them, and all the gods, were to lose and die permanently. In the Viking ethos, this makes sense, because you can only show that you will never give in if you can be defeated. The goal isn’t to avoid defeat, certainly not by switching sides to gain advantage. It’s to show your worth, come what may. Many have pointed out that the gods in the Iliad are, in a sense, lesser than men because their immortality makes everything they do ultimately trivial. Not so for Vikings, or their gods.

Fighting was the number one Viking activity, of course.

In all the sagas, there is a definite exaltation of strongly masculine behavior, mostly fighting but wine and women as well. Vikings had a general love of constant violence, including games intended to create violent disputes among friends out of nothing. They also invariably reacted with a hair trigger to insults; and when they lost their lives, as they expected to someday, if not laughing ideally offered dying last words that were not self-pitying but were laconic, such as “bear to Silkisif and our sons my greeting; I won’t be coming.” Self-control was extremely important—showing any weak-seeming emotion or offering any reaction (other than violence or laughter) was looked down on, even if severely injured or having lost a child or wife. Vikings didn’t cry, ever. All this behavior was, collectively, drengskapr, basically a code of honor, the function of which Shippey analogizes to later European dueling, which served important functions tied to the core male need for validation and hierarchy. Its opposite, naturally, was dishonorable behavior, such as killing the defenseless, cowardice, or breaking an oath; such actions meant either a loss of face or expulsion from the community.

So consider even in defeat, you can win.

And my readers know how I feel about dueling….

I wanted to mention that Pete at Western Rifle Shooters Association has been nuked by the mandarins at WordPress. If one opposes communism, human slavery and infanticide, you are subject to censorship in twenty-first century Amerika.

I have renewed my presence at Gab to honor Pete; find and follow me at @zerogov. -BB


“There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.”

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

“The end may justify the means as long as there is something that justifies the end.”

Leon Trotsky, Their Morals and Ours: The Class Foundations of Moral Practice

“It does not do to rely too much on silent majorities, Evey, for silence is a fragile thing, one loud noise, and its gone. But the people are so cowed and disorganised. A few might take the opportunity to protest, but it’ll just be a voice crying in the wilderness. Noise is relative to the silence preceding it. The more absolute the hush, the more shocking the thunderclap. Our masters have not heard the people’s voice for generations, Evey and it is much, much louder than they care to remember.”

Alan Moore & David Lloyd, V for Vendetta

Unless you were in hibernation, American policing suffered yet another bad public relations fiasco when one of its low IQ thugs murdered George Floyd in Minneapolistan; Floyd has history and difficulties but the typical brutish bully scrum so popular with American coproaches saw him asphyxiated by one of the badged heroes on the ground during an official kidnapping.

Anyone acquainted with this blog knows I have warned about the political enforcers and their misdeeds ever since I have been writing. I published “Just Say No to Cops” in 2009.

Absent cops, no politician can rob a single human of their liberty. Full stop. Until humankind owns that notion, every pursuit of liberty and freedom will be a forlorn hope. Now we’re even hearing the usual suspects in the deep state media talking about reducing or eliminating police departments (there are currently 19,000 of these Loyalist army units in America from the Federal to the local level). The Bluecoats today are the analog of the Redcoats riding roughshod over British colonials before the divorce proceeding from London started in earnest. The cops are the standing army the Anti-Federalists warned us about.

While I am encouraged by such sober thinking, the government supremacist on the left have failed to grasp that their fetid Sovietopian dreams need cops to be realized. No communist state can exist without two important ingredients: a robust police state and a very large segment of the subject population who are either unpaid or paid informants for the state. These two elements are intimately married to each other and no leviathan can exist absent these things.

The latter notion of an informant society is the glue that terraforms the building of homo Sovieticus. And make no mistake, the iron dream of every [national] socialist and communist is complete control of the physical and mental landscape of the serf populations.

If fear and obedience are the brick and mortar of the state, the informant and casual compliance with state codes may be the foundation of the steel house of the government plantation.

I have no need to choose between the dying liberal order and the Mango Emperor, as I have no need to choose between Lucifer and Baphomet. Both major parties in the US are mere complements of one another. One, the Democrats is nothing more than an asylum structure to house the Bolsheviks while the scolding and invertebrate Mensheviks of the Grand Old Politburo are embarrassed that the gibbering of the Democrats says out loud what they are thinking.

Both parties want nothing more than your chained obedience.

It’s supreme irony that the government supremacists in Antifa, BLM and their Democrat party sugar daddies are calling for defunding the police. The very entity that makes all government shitholes enforceable under their inhuman rule.

Tucker Carlson does a great job deconstructing the cargo cult that is communism.

Who knew that the post-apocalypse movies would be a glimpse into what we are now seeing in cities today.

I lecture on antifragility and the latest manufactured crisis have shown just how delicate and might I say, snowflake-like urban infrastructure is. Peter Grant over at BRM does a great overview.

The political violence you are seeing is nothing new in the last fifty years, for insight into the daily bombings and mayhem, one need look no further than the late sixties until 1984. I recommend Bryan Burrough’s book Days of Rage: America’s Radical Underground, the FBI and the Forgotten Era of Revolutionary Violence. Mind you, Borroughs is a fellow traveler with the government supremacists. Comrade Obama was an acolyte of the era.


“People have completely forgotten that in 1972 we had over nineteen hundred domestic bombings in the United States,” notes a retired FBI agent, Max Noel. “People don’t want to listen to that. They can’t believe it. One bombing now and everyone gets excited. In 1972? It was every day. Buildings getting bombed, policemen getting killed. It was commonplace.”

“…radical violence was so deeply woven into the fabric of 1970s America that many citizens, especially in New York and other hard-hit cities, accepted it as part of daily life. As one New Yorker sniffed to the New York Post after an FALN attack in 1977, “Oh, another bombing? Who is it this time?”  

“…as hard as it may be to comprehend today, there was a moment during the early 1970s when bombings were viewed by many Americans as a semi-legitimate means of protest. In the minds of others, they amounted to little more than a public nuisance.”

There’s an interview here with Burroughs by a bearded woman of both sexes from The Nation (the commie rag). Pack an air sickness bag for some of the commie apologetics by the host.

My point here is that domestic communist violence in America is nothing new.

In January, the political coup conducted by the deep state against the Mango Mussolini came to naught and then the usual suspects weaponized a novel new variant of the common flu or cold (both Corona subsets in viral taxonomy) to attempt to destroy the economy. I found it curious the most non-essential business of all, government, was deemed essential but when you control the levers of power the vanity project informs otherwise. You will also note that the approved “essential” workers throughout the economy were apparently and without evidence immune to exposure.

Curiouser and curiouser.

Hence the sudden trigger of yet another human being savaged by the government thugs becomes a cause celebre that literally enflames the nation.

Well, at least in urban areas.

Gold, guns and groceries remain a top priority for 2020 and 2021 should be even more sporty.

The real resistance is the refusal to acknowledge that communists are human beings. 

“William: “I’m sure we can all pull together, sir.”

Vetinari: “Oh, I do hope not. Pulling together is the aim of despotism and tyranny. Free men pull in all kinds of directions.”

― Terry Pratchett, The Truth


* This article was originally published here