Monday, October 19, 2020

Village Praxis: Drive the Right Rifle (AR/MSR): Upgrades Less Optics by Bill Buppert


“Something hit me very hard once, thinking about what one little man could do. Think of the Queen Elizabeth — the whole ship goes by and then comes the rudder. And there’s a tiny thing at the edge of the rudder called a trim tab. It’s a miniature rudder. Just moving the little trim tab builds a low pressure that pulls the rudder around. Takes almost no effort at all. So I said that the little individual can be a trim tab. Society thinks it’s going right by you, that it’s left you altogether. But if you’re doing dynamic things mentally, the fact is that you can just put your foot out like that and the whole big ship of state is going to go. So I said, “Call me Trim Tab.” 

The truth is that you get the low pressure to do things, rather than getting on the other side and trying to push the bow of the ship around. And you build that low pressure by getting rid of a little nonsense, getting rid of things that don’t work and aren’t true until you start to get that trim-tab motion. It works every time. That’s the grand strategy you’re going for. So I’m positive that what you do with yourself, just the little things you do yourself, these are the things that count. To be a real trim tab, you’ve got to start with yourself, and soon you’ll feel that low pressure, and suddenly things begin to work in a beautiful way.”

Buckminster Fuller

“The chains that cuff humanity are made out of office paper.”

Franz Kafka

‘The only thing that saves us from the bureaucracy is inefficiency. An efficient bureaucracy is the greatest threat to liberty.”

Eugene McCarthy

Publisher’s Note: The Deep State is doing recon with Antifa and BLM.

Liberty in all traditional societies, that is the Greek sense of liberty, or in the Christian sense of liberty elsewhere, is a liberty of accomplishment.

The propaganda of the Left is inherently anti-reality; thus, any reading that is reality-based is anti-Left. (The same is true of science, for example–it is not just history. But any modern science work that touches on any controversial topic, such as sex or group differences, can obviously not be trusted, so picking works carefully here is even more important. Thus the triumph of scientism over empirical science in the latest common cold variant fiasco). Collectivists accept that the public has a right to constrain individual rights on behalf of society. When it comes to the right to bear arms or free speech, they believe society SHOULD step in and crush it for the public good (even if it’s misguided sometimes).

Yes, the response to the Chinese Communist Corona Pox (CCCP) from the “right” has been very disappointing. I live in AZ where Joe Biden’s lost mollusk-brother is Comrade-Governor Il Duchey who has proven spinal columns may be optional at birth.

I don’t really understand it; the Occam’s Razor explanation is that the people everywhere have been corrupted by safetyism and the war on masculinity. We can be certain that plans for this are already laid; the entire tactical program of the modern Left is to wait until some event happens that can be mendaciously used to whip up emotion (fabricated domestic coup; George Floyd’s death) and then cynically use it to implement an existing well-organized and well-funded plan to force through a political change, relying on a massive network of allied groups outside the inner circle to immediately coordinate and amplify when the plan is launched.

Once your able to shut people up through fear, intimidation or brainwashing, the race to the bottom begins whether of the economy or your trip bottom of the mass grave.


Don’t let them.

You’ll notice wherever the U.S. government goes “nation building” creating new neo-imperialist shit-pits, they don’t spread the 2nd Amendment while forming governments.

108 shopping days until the next shambler stumbles into the Offal Office tripping on its puppet strings.

Rule 556 will be in force until further notice. -BB

A number of readers have contacted me on my recommendations for improvements and mods on a standard “modern sporting rifle” and while mission profile dictates considerable latitude in what you need, there are some basic considerations to make the rifle work in the situation we in the new spicy times may find ourselves. Start with a quality AR donor like Bravo Company or Daniel Defense or LMT. I am not a fan of rifles with a barrel length below 16′ because I think the Stoner design and performance standards of the 5.56 round require a longer barrel length. If the Stoner isn’t your cup of tea, there are plenty of other bloggers in the liberty ‘verse commentariat who can talk endlessly about improving your Galil, AK, FAL (been there, done that) and every other modern self-loader built for war with knowledge and enthusiasm (not necessarily in that order). I recently was asked by two friends to compile a short list of these mods. First of all, buy quality parts; if you have a ten dollar head, get a ten dollar helmet. Excepting one, all of my ARs are FDE  because I live in AZ and I don’t like black parts on a rifle. In the hanger wars, I have gone exclusively to M-LOK.

Minimum mods:

Midwest Industries or Odin Works Free Float hand guard 15″ or 17.5″; I use longer barrels as I mentioned and I also think the increased length optimizes body geometry for support arm and makes the kinematics of driving a rifle more effective in all vertical and horizontal dimensions forward of your line of sight. The free float hand guards also secure the barrel entirely at the barrel nut proximate the upper and lower receiver union putting zero flex on the barrel especially if you mount your sling (your support side) at 270deg snug to the barrel nut location.

Magpul UBR stock; yes, this is a heavy stock but there is none like it for lockup, strength and cheek weld consistency. The Generation1 weighs  approx 25oz and the Generation2 weighs approx 21oz. There are lighter stocks out there but none provide the strength of a fixed stock in a collapsible configuration like the UBR.

Magpul K2 pistol grip; a very good grip angle at a clean 17deg as vertical as one can get for a PG. The more vertical orientation makes for much better trigger press.

Magpul MLOK AFG; I will not use a vertical grip which has one primary purpose, retention in CQB but the ability to deploy the rifle properly in the prone is compromised severely. But I am a big believer in two components to use the support hand to drive the rifle. The first is the lightweight M-LOK AFG at 180deg as far forward on the rail as possible that you are comfortable with in concert with a “gas pedal” mounted at 270deg that you wrap your thumb around emulating the same thumb over thumb grip you employ on your Glock. The thumb rest will greatly extend retention and reduce fatigue without interfering with proper prone deployment of the rifle.

Magpul MS4 sling; I have written before on the power of the sling in gun handling and this is my go-to with the leading edge QD’d as described above (270deg forward of barrel nut) and the trailing edge (I am right handed) locked in at the stock detent at 90deg. If arranged this way, you won’t strangle yourself when you go to opposite shoulder during drills or two way ranges.

ALG ACT Trigger; yes, there are many fancy triggers but one pillar of my philosophy is KISS so I use this which is a more polished version of GI trigger so I am not surprised by the trigger behavior of Stoner orphans in battlefield pickup.

Extended Magazine Release from Odin Works or Radian; for my hands, I prefer not to rotate the grip on my strong hand from the trigger press and the extended release allows me to drop the magazine with minimal change in firing grip.

Ambi Safety/Fire from Odin Works or Radian (45deg); ambi is very convenient because it allows you to anticipate unexpected angles of and mechanics and the 45deg cuts your safety manipulation time in half.

Ambi LT charging handle from Radian or Strike Industries; the worst part of the Stoner design made better.

Maritime Bolt Catch; I wan the ability to palm strike the release and it helps in Conditions Red and Black when your gross motor skills start to decay and diminish.

Aftermarket set of BUIS F and R with the front sight HK style; I use these but Gun Jesus is making me think twice since he has developed a 5.5# Stoner with optics and saved weight by not having a BUIS. Someday….

Questions or anything I didn’t cover, ask in the comments.

Optics: we’ll save that discussion for another day but if you are not red dotting your rifles and pistols, you are missing out.


* This article was originally published here

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Village Praxis: Drive the Right Rifle: The M1 Garand by Bill Buppert



“Turkey is taking advantage of the war in order to thoroughly liquidate (grundlich aufzaumen) its internal foes, i.e., the indigenous Christians, without being thereby disturbed by foreign intervention. What on earth do you want? The question is settled. There are no more Armenians.”
-Talaat Pasha
“. . . the Armenian massacre was the greatest crime of the war, and the failure to act against Turkey is to condone it . . . the failure to deal radically with the Turkish horror means that all talk of guaranteeing the future peace of the world is mischievous nonsense.”
– Theodore Roosevelt

Publisher’s Note: The selection of the next Deep State puppet is weeks away. The Mango Emperor will win the electoral vote (my sole prediction) and depending on the extend of the perennial voter fraud that is a feature and not a bug in CPUSA machinations, the Human Mollusk may win the popular vote as Pantsuit Negan did in 2016. Who knows? That leaves essentially 94 shopping days for you to get loaded and locked for spicy times. While the materiel is important, your handling and effective employment of these tools is far more important. Invest the time.

Finishing Operation Nemesis about the expatriate Armenian effort to assassinate the Ottoman violence brokers responsible for the genocide of the Armenian nation in the second decade of the twentieth century. Lots of reminders on the efficacy of baselining tradecraft, keeping your mouth shut and operating across national borders. The exception being Soghomon Tehlirian who purposefully remained with the dead body of Talaat Pasha to get tried in a German Court to provide a planet-wide documented discovery portfolio of the Turkish slaughter of the innocents. Burning Tigris by Peter Balakian is a more grisly and detailed reflection on the genocide actual that seems to be an inspiration to later efforts by the Germans and Japanese in the War to Save Josef Stalin.

I’d like to offer two websites that publish smart reviews and commentary and more often than I (how hard is that?); Charles at Worthy House and Michael Scheuer at Non-Intervention. I had the pleasure of taking an “submersion course” in Islamic terrorism at which Michael was the sagacious and gracious mentor. Both of these learned gentleman take the deep dive and leave the reader informed and provoked in questioning the idiot reality the MSM tries to impose on us.e

Worthy House


I am continuing my study of the Greek, Irish and Spanish civil wars in anticipation of seeing history rhyme and forecasting what the cold civil war transitions to hotness will look like here in the next ten years. I will try to pen some essays on that very thing in the next few months.

2020 is not only the first year in human history that no one will die exclusively of old age but the Red Menace 2.0 is on the march. With the CPUSA paramilitaries achieving full deep state cover for their RevCom activities in the overt manifestations of BLM and Antifa, an idea has done actual physical harm in a corporeal form.

Just an idea.

Get to the range, your rifle won’t drive itself. Train like your life depends on it. Send it. -BB


“The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles.”
Jeff Cooper, Art of the Rifle

The Garand is my third line long arm after my MSRs and sweetened bolt guns. I love my Garand. The storied rifle is nearly a hundred years old but still a testament to great technology and craftsmanship. If only they got the caliber right (.260 Pederson) but weapons acquisition in the US has always been encumbered by general officers fighting the last war. The lack of a detachable magazine seals the weapon from the elements. Along the same lines, the Tikka civilian variant of the new C19 for the Canadian Rangers provides another alternative. And yes, I want a Robar stock but that can wait [is Robar still in business?].

She’s built for comfort, not for speed…

And yes, I love the BM59 [all hail Domenico Salsa and Vittorio Valle who managed a three year engineering design effort as opposed to the awful M14 twelve year program] but like the FG42, ahead of their time but now behind their time and bloody expensive.

I will be attending a professional course with my youngest son with a very cool and uber-competent OG operator in April 2021 and may run some of the course with my M1 Garand to get the lead out.  [h/t to Mark S, our local historian/armorer on retainer at Planet Zerogov]

Maintenance and troubleshooting:

Use grease!  Modern wheel bearing grease is great, specified is 130-A lithium. Grease the op-rod, the locking lugs, and the op-rod track.  A little dab on the back edge of the bolt is recommended. It’s an open action, so keep it clear!  Junk can get in there and cause a stoppage, good news is, it’s easy to clear.

To quote Tom Hanks in Private Ryan: “Keep the sand out of your actions, and I’ll see you on the beach”

For short stroking/failure to extract:

Check the gas cylinder lock screw and crank it down

Check the extractor, replace if worn or broken

Replace extractor spring

Bolt close on an empty chamber/failure to load:

Check/replace op-rod spring

Check for bent or worn follower arm

Fail to fire:

Check/replace firing pin

Check headspace

Clip ejects early:

Replace clip latch and clip latch spring

Other Bits:

Modern optics fall into three basic options, but the standard irons are some of the best ever made:

Pistol type red-dot replacing the rear sight assembly

Scout (pistol type) scope on a rail replacing the wooden handguard [replace with a  picatinny rail from Ultimak or Fulton Armory]. Before 1990, Jeff Cooper was right in putting a conventional scope with sufficient eye relief there but now the red dot revolution has made that an anachronism.

Armorer drill and tap receiver for an offset scope mount. This was the solution for the sniper versions M-1C and M-1D, but also requires a cheek pad to offset cheek weld for sight alignment. Technology has made this method obsolescent.

Modern carry options:

The M1 is a bit heavy (11lbs) and long for single point sling set ups, so best to stay with a two point rapid adjust like a Magpul, Vickers, Blue Force or Spectre.  The issue web sling is also serviceable, but limited.


Butt stock cleaning kit, the oiler, pull through, and combo tool is the most useful. The other options is the cleaning rod sections and integral combo tool, but it’s really second choice

Bayonet: The 10 inch models (M1) all date to WWII, the 6 (M5) inch is the most practical, and has much less effect on POI since it doesn’t use a barrel ring

Ammo belt, don’t bother, it’s a recycle of a turn of the last century cartridge belt, and limits hanging other useful bits on it. Throw your en blocs in a dump pouch or modify a slick MOLLE rig with attached 40mm grenades pouches and voila, Garand chest rig for plink-a-pinko.

En Bloc clips, try and stay with the original manufacturers, easiest is to buy milsurp ammo already in bandoliers


Use only ammo designed for the M-1, using modern hunting ammo WILL bend your op rod eventually. Older ammunition can be corrosive, YMMV.

There are a couple of gas cylinder lock screws that say they reduce pressure, but Gun Jesus tested them and found that to be mostly false. Exception is the components with a tap and screw that you have to adjust to each brand of ammo.

30.06 is readily available right now because of the lower ownership density of the M1 and the tendency of Fudd-owners to spurn large basic loads.

* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Village Praxis: Drive the Right Rifle: Upgrades Less Optics by Bill Buppert


“Something hit me very hard once, thinking about what one little man could do. Think of the Queen Elizabeth — the whole ship goes by and then comes the rudder. And there’s a tiny thing at the edge of the rudder called a trim tab. It’s a miniature rudder. Just moving the little trim tab builds a low pressure that pulls the rudder around. Takes almost no effort at all. So I said that the little individual can be a trim tab. Society thinks it’s going right by you, that it’s left you altogether. But if you’re doing dynamic things mentally, the fact is that you can just put your foot out like that and the whole big ship of state is going to go. So I said, “Call me Trim Tab.” 

The truth is that you get the low pressure to do things, rather than getting on the other side and trying to push the bow of the ship around. And you build that low pressure by getting rid of a little nonsense, getting rid of things that don’t work and aren’t true until you start to get that trim-tab motion. It works every time. That’s the grand strategy you’re going for. So I’m positive that what you do with yourself, just the little things you do yourself, these are the things that count. To be a real trim tab, you’ve got to start with yourself, and soon you’ll feel that low pressure, and suddenly things begin to work in a beautiful way.”

Buckminster Fuller

“The chains that cuff humanity are made out of office paper.”

Franz Kafka

‘The only thing that saves us from the bureaucracy is inefficiency. An efficient bureaucracy is the greatest threat to liberty.”

Eugene McCarthy

Publisher’s Note: The Deep State is doing recon with Antifa and BLM.

Liberty in all traditional societies, that is the Greek sense of liberty, or in the Christian sense of liberty elsewhere, is a liberty of accomplishment.

The propaganda of the Left is inherently anti-reality; thus, any reading that is reality-based is anti-Left. (The same is true of science, for example–it is not just history. But any modern science work that touches on any controversial topic, such as sex or group differences, can obviously not be trusted, so picking works carefully here is even more important. Thus the triumph of scientism over empirical science in the latest common cold variant fiasco). Collectivists accept that the public has a right to constrain individual rights on behalf of society. When it comes to the right to bear arms or free speech, they believe society SHOULD step in and crush it for the public good (even if it’s misguided sometimes).

Yes, the response to the Chinese Communist Corona Pox (CCCP) from the “right” has been very disappointing. I live in AZ where Joe Biden’s lost mollusk-brother is Comrade-Governor Il Duchey who has proven spinal columns may be optional at birth.

I don’t really understand it; the Occam’s Razor explanation is that the people everywhere have been corrupted by safetyism and the war on masculinity. We can be certain that plans for this are already laid; the entire tactical program of the modern Left is to wait until some event happens that can be mendaciously used to whip up emotion (fabricated domestic coup; George Floyd’s death) and then cynically use it to implement an existing well-organized and well-funded plan to force through a political change, relying on a massive network of allied groups outside the inner circle to immediately coordinate and amplify when the plan is launched.

Once your able to shut people up through fear, intimidation or brainwashing, the race to the bottom begins whether of the economy or your trip bottom of the mass grave.


Don’t let them.

108 shopping days until the next shambler stumbles into the Offal Office tripping on its puppet strings.

Rule 556 will be in force until further notice. -BB

A number of readers have contacted me on my recommendations for improvements and mods on a standard “modern sporting rifle” and while mission profile dictates considerable latitude in what you need, there are some basic considerations to make the rifle work in the situation we in the new spicy times may find ourselves. Start with a quality AR donor like Bravo Company or Daniel Defense or LMT. I am not a fan of rifles with a barrel length below 16′ because I think the Stoner design and performance standards of the 5.56 round require a longer barrel length. If the Stoner isn’t your cup of tea, there are plenty of other bloggers in the liberty ‘verse commentariat who can talk endlessly about improving your Galil, AK, FAL (been there, done that) and every other modern self-loader built for war with knowledge and enthusiasm (not necessarily in that order). I recently was asked by two friends to compile a short list of these mods. First of all, buy quality parts; if you have a ten dollar head, get a ten dollar helmet. Excepting one, all of my ARs are FDE  because I live in AZ and I don’t like black parts on a rifle. In the hanger wars, I have gone exclusively to M-LOK.

Minimum mods:

Midwest Industries or Odin Works Free Float hand guard 15″ or 17.5″; I use longer barrels as I mentioned and I also think the increased length optimizes body geometry for support arm and makes the kinematics of driving a rifle more effective in all vertical and horizontal dimensions forward of your line of sight. The free float hand guards also secure the barrel entirely at the barrel nut proximate the upper and lower receiver union putting zero flex on the barrel especially if you mount your sling (your support side) at 270deg snug to the barrel nut location.

Magpul UBR stock; yes, this is a heavy stock but there is none like it for lockup, strength and cheek weld consistency. The Generation1 weighs  approx 25oz and the Generation2 weighs approx 21oz. There are lighter stocks out there but none provide the strength of a fixed stock in a collapsible configuration like the UBR.

Magpul K2 pistol grip; a very good grip angle at a clean 17deg as vertical as one can get for a PG. The more vertical orientation makes for much better trigger press.

Magpul MLOK AFG; I will not use a vertical grip which has one primary purpose, retention in CQB but the ability to deploy the rifle properly in the prone is compromised severely. But I am a big believer in two components to use the support hand to drive the rifle. The first is the lightweight M-LOK AFG at 180deg as far forward on the rail as possible that you are comfortable with in concert with a “gas pedal” mounted at 270deg that you wrap your thumb around emulating the same thumb over thumb grip you employ on your Glock. The thumb rest will greatly extend retention and reduce fatigue without interfering with proper prone deployment of the rifle.

Magpul MS4 sling; I have written before on the power of the sling in gun handling and this is my go-to with the leading edge QD’d as described above (270deg forward of barrel nut) and the trailing edge (I am right handed) locked in at the stock detent at 90deg. If arranged this way, you won’t strangle yourself when you go to opposite shoulder during drills or two way ranges.

ALG ACT Trigger; yes, there are many fancy triggers but one pillar of my philosophy is KISS so I use this which is a more polished version of GI trigger so I am not surprised by the trigger behavior of Stoner orphans in battlefield pickup.

Extended Magazine Release from Odin Works or Radian; for my hands, I prefer not to rotate the grip on my strong hand from the trigger press and the extended release allows me to drop the magazine with minimal change in firing grip.

Ambi Safety/Fire from Odin Works or Radian (45deg); ambi is very convenient because it allows you to anticipate unexpected angles of and mechanics and the 45deg cuts your safety manipulation time in half.

Ambi LT charging handle from Radian or Strike Industries; the worst part of the Stoner design made better.

Maritime Bolt Catch; I wan the ability to palm strike the release and it helps in Conditions Red and Black when your gross motor skills start to decay and diminish.

Aftermarket set of BUIS F and R with the front sight HK style; I use these but Gun Jesus is making me think twice since he has developed a 5.5# Stoner with optics and saved weight by not having a BUIS. Someday….

Questions or anything I didn’t cover, ask in the comments.

Optics: we’ll save that discussion for another day but if you are not red dotting your rifles and pistols, you are missing out.


* This article was originally published here